Transformación de la estructura formal de las viviendas de alta densidad por medio de la relación programa de vivienda – espacios colectivos
Parra-Enciso, Laura Camila
This work analyzes the relationship that exists between the housing program and the collective space in the municipality of Funza and how the formal structure of the new homes can vary through this relationship. At present, the municipality presents a disarticulation between the housing program and the collective space, this leads to several problems regarding the occupation of the territory. Therefore, one of the purposes of this research is to analyze the high-density homes in the municipality, evaluate their articulation with collective spaces, therefore, the appropriation of people by these spaces is analyzed, thus giving it a character of belonging. This part of the analysis of theories and concepts which allow to understand and understand independently what the collective space and porosity is and through these it is possible to transform the formal structure of high-density homes.
To fulfill the objective of the research, it is developed with a quantitative methodological approach in which information analysis is carried out through design techniques that allow identifying and evaluating the collection of information and evidence through an innovative proposal of formal structure housing, how the community is reflected in high-density housing in the Municipality of Funza.