Elaboración de productos saludables enriquecidos con semillas de sésamo, auyama y girasol
Gonzalez Rojas, Andres Julian
Grey Sierra, Edinson
Pinilla Espitia, Tatiana
In this work we seek to investigate the elaboration of special products made with sesame, sunflower and sunflower seeds, where research was carried out on this type of seeds, which is known as the consumption risks, their easy obtaining, norms and laws that governs its consumption and the data that affects as owner of the product.
A survey of possible acceptance of the products was made and its verification was carried out in March the production of several products. An organoleptic test of these was given. The analyzed data suggested changes and perspectives of tastes of possible consumers. The feasibility of products made with seeds as they are today, is an option to change the lifestyle of those who want it.