Estrategias de mejoramiento para la cadena productiva del sector cacaotero de Colombia a partir del caso ecuatoriano
Mojica Achury, Michael
This work wanted to analyze the cocoa production of a country like Ecuador, which has a strong production chain, which allows it to be one of the new players in the international cocoa market worldwide. Ecuador has a large land area destined for the sowing and production of cocoa beans, and divides its national production in regions that sow, harvest and produce cocoa, one of the regions that produces more cocoa a year is the coastal region, since it has 446,266 hectares planted, of which it uses 365,843 hectares to harvest the cocoa, generating sales of 165,415 tons. (National Institute of Statistics and Census, 2017). In the Colombian case, the productive chain is very little technified, post-harvest processes do not have technical assistance, in addition to problems in the link of the crop, since although it is true that in comparison with Ecuador, the hectares destined to cocoa crops are smaller, cocoa plantations or cacao trees are aged, so they are not 100% of their production capacity, this added to the almost null certification of Colombian cocoa.