Relación entre espacios genéricos y programáticos en la infraestructura deportiva
Pacheco-Soler, Andrés Felipe
Rivera-Rodríguez, Cristian Fabián
This research work seeks to study the relationship that occurs between generic and programmatic spaces in sports infrastructure; taking into account the analysis of three (3) sports centers through the study at different scales (Zonal, municipal and metropolitan) of different aspects that influence this relationship such as their physical components (Structure, scenery, materialities and others), and their dynamic components (Flows, schedules, activities, etc.)
Through this work we propose spatial relationships based on the intervention of the architectural program, the analysis of dynamics through mappings, and programmatic operations mixing different activities with collective uses resulting from the evaluation of each analyzed sports center. Thus, we determine that the relationship is conditioned by the layout of the scenery and the structure.
In this sense, the project is directed towards the study of three cases through the Open Building concept of (Castro 2013) and Leupen's analysis through the systemic method that consists of shaping the investigative process through the analysis of the physical and dynamic components of the case studies in question.