Efectos de la adopción del sello Rainforest Alliance en la competitividad del sector cacaotero en el mercado internacional
Velasquez Guevara, Jorge Andres
The purpose of this research is to establish the impacts on the competitiveness of the cocoa sector by being certified with the Rainforest Alliance seal, the international scope where the seal is present and analyzing its advantages and obstacles was examined. To carry out this document, the documentary collection was taken as a support, since the information was obtained from secondary sources such as documents, books or research, where the existence of the seal was identified, in a small cocoa sector in Colombia, for a short period, despite complying with the requirements and being granted the certification, they did not obtain one of the expected benefits, that of selling their product to foreign markets, which demanded large quantities of certified cocoa, and obtaining prizes in the price of 5% to 15%. %. But the production did not meet the required amounts. If this is the case in the world market, where the seal has shown benefits to certified growers, such as Côte d'Ivoire, which is currently the world's largest producer of certified cocoa, according to the Rainforest Alliance in 2012, cocoa farms with the seal in this country produced 40 % more cocoa per hectare than non-certified farms, additional net income increased almost four times.