La oferta de formación académica en gastronomía en Bogotá
Duarte Giraldo, Javier Alejandro
Bogotá has a variety of institutions of higher education in which the gastronomy program is offered, in different levels of training: technical and professional technician and are characterized by specific skills, propaedeutic cycle length, cost and according to the institution with one or several emphases.
The present study proposes a strategy to collect information about this offer, likewise, about the knowledge that the candidates have about it, whose analysis is based on a database that aims to provide detailed information so that they can make a more practical choice. judicious of the institution in which they wish to start their studies.
A total of 17 institutions were analyzed, among which are the different modalities, and in which most of the competencies that are most worked include those related to the culinary area, service, beverages, administration, food engineering and research.
In the survey of applicants aged between 16 and 21 years, it was evident that there is no clear decoction between the differences between a technician, technologist and professional in gastronomy, that is, they do not know the competences related to the profession, which is why The tool designed here can be a valuable tool to guide these people in their professional choice.