Análisis de los aspectos ambientales de las operaciones de fabricación de estructuras metálicas de la compañía Codimet Ltda.
Reatiga Carreño, Ingrid Katerine
Gutierrez Ulloa, Laura Lizeth
This work was carried out in the company CODIMET LTDA, located in the municipality of Soacha, which is dedicated to the realization of metalworking structures of different dimensions for various productive sectors.
Initially a recognition and diagnosis was made about the environmental management that is carried out at this moment and the activities that have been developed previously on this topic in all levels of the organization. Similarly, different aspects were reviewed such as energy consumption, consumption of water resources, air pollution, land use and solid waste management.
After visualizing the environmental panorama of the company and the development of the different units of analysis, a concrete proposal is elaborated and according to the needs of the company.