Propuesta de producto turístico deportivo enfocado a la oferta de fútbol de la ciudad de Bogotá
Bernal-Garzon, Andrea Katherine
Blanco-Triana, Harold Leandro
Through this work a sport tourism product will be made based on the offer that the city of
Bogotá has on cultural and sporting issues, highlighting the colonial infrastructure that captures
each one of the tourists with its majestic streets and paths filling them with history in its
happening; in sports subjects, there are sports venues and major leagues that make up
professionals and apprentices of football. Through a long investigation it was possible to obtain
information of the profile of potential client that we wanted to handle for our study, by means of
surveys and interviews to the members of the different schools external to the city of Bogota,
taking as object of study that residents in the city of Medellin which is where the greatest football
player receives; managing to highlight that both women and men are part of these schools and not
only as players but as part of the administrative area or support in the family field with child and
junior delegation in most cases, highlighting the importance of sharing this cute sport with their
closest loved ones and contributing to the tourist growth of the capital that although it is quite
recognized, rarely take the time to learn more about the Bogota culture.