La escritura creativa: una estrategia para mejorar la producción escrita en inglés
Hernández Gaitán, Lizeth
This research had the objective improve the English writing process in seventh grade students of
Augustinian Suba School using a creative writing workshop, instrument that permit identify the
advances in this process, in the way that students can understand in their self the principal
criterial to evaluate the writings productions, taking in to account rules, coherence and cohesion.
This study star with a diagnostic test where found the problems that students had in their writing
productions, then it was applicate the first test as a validation of the instruments and acquired
more clarity about the difficulties found in the diagnostic test.
Taking in to account the last ideas in this research born the creative writing workshop, compound
by three activities duly analyzes and reflected with the students to understand the mistakes and
can do an excellent English writing production with the idea to be clear and coherence for the
future reader.