Matemáticas financieras como base del análisis financiero empresarial
Registro en:
Administración de empresas
Moncada Puerto, Fredy Alejandro
It is normal that the students of the universities do not notice the different levels that they are achieving in each of the professional competences or abilities of their career; one of these competences is the skill or competence of mathematical logic; which in our case focuses on the necessary and sufficient stages to understand the different administrative processes of a company. Financial mathematics is essential to know the different business processes such as the pertinent to treasury and optimal financing, also in the part of investments to make comparisons of financial returns; having this mathematical capacity, a financial analysis of the possible results of the areas involved and the implications of a manager in deciding to manage these results in the company can be generated with criteria. Therefore, the selection of the subjects to be oriented in the mathematics classes, are not based on an institutional whim, they directly obey the mission of forming integral professionals, with the capacity to face and solve business cases. Consequently, financial mathematics is the basis of business analysis, develops the ability to translate numbers (results) into valid interpretations, so that financial management lands and decides how to proceed with the use of company resources.