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Enhancing english language learning through meaningful activities on 4th graders at Nealtican primary school
Mendieta Vázquez, Mireya
Carranza Camarillo, José
“In Mexico many children learn Spanish as a second language through Content Curriculum activities. On another hand, the English courses are mandatory in the basic education program, the PNIEB (Programa Nacional de Inglés en Education Básica). It was designed to teach English as a second language in a more social interaction, since students need to overcome the challenges of the global world. At the Nealtican Elementary School "Niños Heroes de Chapultepec", referred as "the School" here below, students have a different social interaction; they have grown up with different traditions and customs. In their community they speak just Nahuatl which is eventually included to the SEP's content based curriculum. This community is far beyond of being a monolingual one, students must learn two languages at the same time: Spanish and Nahuatl. Thus, they seem to be not interested in a third language, the English . It is a problem with the PNIEB because as mandatory, students must learn English even if they are not willing to take these course.”