Tesis de licenciatura
Analyzing mexican pre-service teacher’s beliefs about listening development when taking workshops at school of languages BUAP
Gonzalez Urcid, Cristhian Andres
Vazquez Garcia, Israel
"The structural change of the university model at Benémerita Universidad
Autónoma de Puebla, took place in the faculty of languages in 2009. That model is
named “Modelo Universitario Minerva” (MUM) or in English “Minerva University
Model” .
According to BUAP (2007), the MUM program was elaborated from the
recognition of the contributions of the University Reform Process, the Fenix Project
and the 2000 Professions Project, also as the results of the inquiry made by the
Honorable Higher Studies Council in 2004. BUAP says that it pretends to adapt to the most meaningful educative and
pedagogical innovations; MUM (Minerva University Model) shall emphasize the
national and regional Socio-Cultural dimension that takes into the process of learning
-teaching. Specifically at the School of Languages it represents the change in the
number of target languages and the creation of workshops. In the Fénix Model there
were eight courses of the Target languages (English and French) and in the MUM
model there are courses of the five target languages and five workshops were
designed. In those workshops the students must practice their skills in target
languages. They were created as the result of the students´ necessities and the
requirements of the society."