Tesis de licenciatura
Comparison of children’s reading strategies in spanish: good and poor readers
García López, Jessica Sarai
“The problem is that most of 10-year-old students are poor readers and only a little percentage are who comprehend most of what they read and they use reading to learn but, the other part are poor readers and the learning process may be affected in other subjects of the curricula. Reading must be based on comprehension and surprisingly, most of students at this age do not comprehend a text in Spanish or any other language and they have not developed those strategies that can help them to reach the objective of reading. his research is conducted as a result of the participation of the researcher as a teacher in a primary school. It was observed how difficult reading in Spanish is for children who are in a basic stage of their education and the idea is to help those students who are struggling in comprehending texts because it is a skill that is used in all the subjects and also reading is the most used tool to learn and to know the world. This thesis is part of the researcher’s experience and it may be part of other’s experiences.”