Tesis de licenciatura
A case study exploring the differences reported between adult and child L2 learners
Cozatl Tepanecatl, Christian
"The current research is concerned with how age affects foreign language learning. The
importance of the students‟ age is a vital factor that intervenes in this process (Ellis, 1989).
Learning a foreign language could be more or less successful depending on the maturity of the
person. Age is a factor in the foreign language learning process that is sometimes not understood
by course instructors and insufficient attention is often given to the age of the learner.
A second language (L2) according to Sharwood Smith (1994) stands as a cover term for
any language other than the first language learned by a given learner or a group of learners a)
irrespective of the type of learning environment and b) irrespective of the number of the other
non-native languages possessed by the learner. Krashen (1982) maintained that adult second-
language learners have at their disposal two distinct and independent ways of developing
competence in a second language acquisition, which is a “subconscious process identical in all
important ways to the process children utilize in acquiring their first language” and learning
which is a “conscious process” that results in knowing about the knowledge."