Tesis de licenciatura
A visually impaired student in an english class: a case study
Mota Conde, Jose Uriel
"In English Language Teaching teachers may be prepared for most of the situations faced inside a classroom. However, there are just a few teachers who are really prepared for teaching students with special needs; it is the case of teaching English to visually impaired students.
This study explores some problems of inclusion and how a teacher manages teaching English taking into account all the features of a visually impaired student, in order to facilitate teaching for both teacher and students. This investigation intends to help English teachers to include visually impaired students in an English class.
This is a qualitative case study combined with a brief action research approach. This research utilizes a questionnaire, an interview and a classroom observation format as instruments for obtaining the data. Furthermore, this case study combines the exploration of a case with a brief proposal for improvement. The author of this investigation proposes and performs at the end three ad hoc lesson plans, in order to provide an example of activities that may improve inclusion."