Tesis de licenciatura
Students’ perceptions about the assessment of listening strategies at lei
Soberanis Ramos, Javier
"The assessment of listening strategies plays an important role in the classroom since it gives students the opportunity to strengthen their listening ability together with speaking, reading, and writing. This research aims to seek into the listening strategies used in their Target Language II and how they are perceived by students. The research questions that guide this study are: 1) Which listening activities do target language II LEI students practice in the classroom? 2) Which listening strategies are missing in target language II LEI students’ classes? and 3) Which listening strategies do target Language II LEI students require? This research adopted a mixed methodology combining quantitative and qualitative method designs. The instrument consisted of a questionnaire. 136 participants took part of the study. They were students from 18 to 23 years old in the Target Language II class with a B1 Level. The analysis of participants’ responses shows how difficult or easy the listening activities are, and those most required strategies participants need in their learning".