Tesis de licenciatura
A conjunction analysis of argumentative essays
Jiménez Tlilayatzin, Juan Carlos
"According to Halliday & Hasan (1976), cohesion is the result of the relation between two
elements mutually presupposing. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the
cohesive devices and the inconsistencies involved in the realization of adversative and causal
relations in a sample of eleven argumentative essays written by undergraduate non-native
speakers. To so do, an elicitation technique was used in order to get preliminary data. Then, it
was analyzed according to Halliday & Hassan‘s cohesion analysis model. Because it shows the
type and distance of the cohesive relation, this model gave us a comprehensive glance at the
cohesive features of the sample. For instance, lexical relations were unexpectedly predominant,
and it was discovered that the cohesive inconsistencies resulted from the use of inadequate or
unnecessary forms, and from non-concordant presupposed elements. This information will be
useful to reach a better understanding of the writing process and the development of more
accurate teaching strategies."