NMPC controller applied to the operation of an internal combustion engine: formulation and solution of the optimization problem in real time
2018-02-01Registro en:
Chica, J.A.V.
Torres, A.G.D.
Acosta Maya, Diego Andres
Numerical optimization solve problems efficiently where such efficiency is focused on the speed with which the optimal x* is achieved, is open line of research and strong work in the scientific community in order to achieve control systems in dynamic processes with response times of the order of milliseconds. A clear example of this, is the implementation of optimal controller’s combustion engines. For subsequent approach to the design and implementation of nonlinear model predictive control controllers, it has made a comparison of yields algorithms quadratic programming by active set with linearization restrictions, and sequential quadratic programming with single shooting technique to solve quadratic optimization problem formulation referred to a dynamic internal combustion engine of spark ignition, in embedded systems with real-time processing. © 2016, Springer-Verlag France.
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