Métodos de machine learning con algoritmos de clúster no supervisados, una alternativa de segmentación de las pymes colombianas para plantear estrategias de acuerdo con sus condiciones económicas
2022Registro en:
338.642 R173
Ramírez Mendoza, Durley Yalile
This research created a new grouping alternative using machine learning tools such as K-means
and agglomerative clustering models, based on financial information from 2016 to 2019 of
10,001 Colombian SMEs. From these models twelve clusters originated that have 98.44% of the
evaluated data and it was determined that the model that presented the best clustering result was
the agglomerative model which generates the following main groups: a first group with negative
margins and a debt exceeding 61%, a second group starting with a range between -10% to 40% of
its margins and a debt below 60%, and a third group with positive margins and a debt between 11
and 80%. Finally, these groups create strategies according to the economic conditions of each of