Pegantes sociales para el desarrollo local : elementos para la construcción de los territorios de Antioquia
2021Registro en:
307.1212 Q78
Quintero Gómez, Alveiro Enrique
Convinced that it is impossible to be a true Agent of Development without theory, and that local and regional development constitutes a reality that now lacks a unified theoretical corpus, the possibility of offering a guide that encourages reflection and practice of the development of a territory such as Antioquia, would seek to find possible foundations in the contributions given by classical and neoclassical theories, as well alternative development theories. Hence the importance given to the review of its main proposals and approaches, which have made it possible to identify analytical categories, concepts, and key propositions, which feed reflection on local and regional development, and to identify the called Social Glue that support the case of the Department of Antioquia as a potentially successful reality in terms of regional development.
That review would allow to highlight the prominence acquired by the new theoretical approaches, which are characterized by a new unit of reference on development, territories, its integral conception, the consultation of various dimensions of development: social, environmental, institutional and human, while it became involved with outstanding problems associated with the lack of development: unsatisfied needs, inequalities, high levels of unemployment, poverty and hunger, aspects that allowed adopting the concept of endogenous development as an analytical reference to address the problem territorial development. Based on the use of its own analytical categories, concepts, propositions and proposals for the treatment of local and regional realities, the research accommodates in the endogenous territorial development, conceptual and theoretical support for the development proposal based on Social Glue.
The context for introducing progress in Colombia’s case was the revision of the 1991 Political Constitution, which provides significant institutional development and has become a determining factor in political, economic, and social transformation processes that revitalize the territories. Likewise, we were able to make a balance of the country in the last 30 years. These advances were to materialize in strategic planning efforts in the region, which provides us with three outstanding experiences: PLANEA, the Subregional Strategic Plans and the Special Districts, in which the five triggers for development in the territory are evidenced, described in the final part of the text, and from which the fundamental elements -Social Glue- of the development of Antioquia and its subregions would be extracted.
The Social Glue was approached from the conceptual definition, their understanding and relevance, the level of empowerment and internalization in the planning experiences and the way in which they support the advances of transformation of the territories of Antioquia.
With this we hope to contribute to the reflections on territorial development, offering lines of action the different development actors, public and private, can channel their efforts and allow the unveiling of new contents that strengthen the planning processes and the design of public policies in favor of a comprehensive development of the department.
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