A will in search of a way: philanthropy in education in Perú
Bird, Matthew D.
León, Vicente M.
The ingredients for strong and strategic institutionalised philanthropy
exist in Latin America: charitable traditions, rapid wealth creation from
the global commodity boom and weaker than expected state social services
(Hauser Center, 2016; Johnson, 2018; Sanborn & Portocarrero, 2005).
Peru is an exemplary regional case (León & Bird, 2018; Portocarrero,
Sanborn, Cueva & Millán, 2002). Due mostly to increased mining exports
in the early 2000s, the World Bank reclassified Peru as an upper middleincome country, which prompted overseas development assistance (ODA)
organisations, comprised of multilateral and private institutions, to shift
resources outside the country and call on local entities to better channel
wealth to address social issues. Local philanthropists sought to meet the
challenge, with over half of the country’s philanthropic organisations
founded after 2000.