Supporting incidental vocabulary learning in young learners by means of strategy training and online resources while reading e-storybooks
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Álvarez Ayure, Claudia Patricia
This study on vocabulary learning strategy training as a practice to promote autonomous learning
of incidental vocabulary when reading e-storybooks was conducted with a group of 28 first
graders at Saint George’s School, a private institution in Bogota, Colombia. Strategy training is
an instructional technique aimed to empower learners to acquire new words in English on their
own, especially during extensive reading, when it is believed learners incidentally acquire a large
amount of vocabulary. Data collection instruments involved teacher’s field notes and learner and
parent questionnaires. The information gathered was analyzed following grounded theory
As a result, it was evident that training learners on looking up words in an online dictionary,
mnemonics and verbal repetition strategies boosted their learning of incidental vocabulary as
observed in the vocabulary pre- and post-tests. Additionally, learners displayed a high degree of
positive motivation towards the use of strategies. Finally, learning how to use online tools to
complement the strategies has helped – and will continue helping – learners become more
autonomous when encountering unknown vocabulary.