Artículo de revista
La formación ciudadana desde la apropiación del lugar como unidad básica del territorio. Interpretaciones paralelas a tres estudios de caso en Santiago de Cali, Colombia
2011-07Registro en:
Uribe Castro, Hernando
Espinosa López, Rodolfo
Rubio Gallardo, Julio Cesar
Citizenship education, based on the appropriation of the space as a basic unit of the territory.Parallel interpretations to three case studies in Santiago de Cali, Colombia.Rodolfo Espinosa López, Julio Rubio Gallardo, Hernando Uribe Castro. In the research Thinking, Feeling, and Living spaces, the place, as a basic unit, connects the complexity of the territory, bringing the possibility for political education called to cover the area of geography, as space for daily encounters as well as a space for individual and collective construction of citizenship. Based on this hypothesis, a workshop was adopted as a methodological resource to conduct a research in three places in the city of Cali and its surrounding area: One, a zone in La Ladera -Commune 20 known as Siloé; another in the lowland area known as La Nueva Floresta; and, finally, in a rural area, the township called Montañitas in the municipalities of Yumbo and La Cumbre. The report offers five workshops that can be applied, with minor modifications, in any urban or rural area. All of them have objectives, justification, procedures and tools to support its application. It is, therefore, for its free implementation, so that people or institutions concerned with the topic, can make free use of them in the context that motivated each of their designs. The names given to each workshop are: "Mapping", "Comparing", "Walking," "Nesting" and "Placing".