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Diseño y construcción de un montaje experimental para el estudio del efecto de las burbujas sobre el espectro de fourier de ondas ultrasónicas en flujos bifásicos
Henao Santa, Sebastián
This work shows the development of an experimental setup to study the effect of
bubbles on the Fourier spectrum of ultrasonic waves. 262/5000 Two water columns
were designed and built in order to generate a two-phase water-bubble flow, and
they were also instrumented with ultrasonic transducers to perform measurements
in pulse-echo, transmission-reception and backscattering modes. The transducers
were characterized, selecting those with the best frequency response. Experiments
were performed in the range between 0;5 and 5;0 MHZ. From the ultrasonic signals
a loss coefficient was calculated. This coefficient models the drop in amplitude of
the waves as a result of the presence of the bubbles, with respect to the a reference
case without bubbles. The loss coefficient allowed the calculation of the velocity and
attenuation spectra. In order to estimate the radius and number of bubbles, as a
function of the amount of air injected, image processing techniques were applied.
This was made taking into account the acoustic field generated by each transducer.
The results showed that the changes obtained in the acoustic parameters of the
waves allow to infere of the amount of bubbles