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La comunicación en las plataformas de turismo relacionadas con la oferta del servicio cultural de la salsa en Cali: Casos Escuela de Bailadores JoyDance y Escuela de Baile Arrebato Caleño
Giraldo Salazar, Doris Katerine
Vargas Ramírez, Merelyn Pamela
Tourism is a practice that dates back to the beginnings of humanity, at the time of
the monarchy it was recognized as a luxury for certain wealthy families who could
allow this type of travel to increase their knowledge and approach new cultures.
Today, thanks to the transformation of the transport, technology and
communications, tourism has been democratized in such a way that it allows
people to be just one click away from visit the city of their dreams or facing a
language and a totally opposite culture, tourism has gone from being a luxury to
being a necessity of the new generations to be able to know parallel realities and
expand their worldview. That is why, in this document, we will analyze the impact
of technology and digital platforms on the supply of salsa tourism in Santiago de