Del “indio de la nación” al “indio del hemisferio”: la construcción ideológica del sujeto indígena en la narración histórica musical. Colombia y América Latina (1867-1946)
Reyes Escolar, Mateo
Addressing the convergence of political projects with the promotion of aesthetic experiences of the nation concept, this text deepens into the way the indigenous, being a subaltern subject, was ideologically constructed and subordinated to a modern nationalist paradigm, underlying the historical narration of music in Colombia and some Latin American countries, between the mid-nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. The construction of the indigenous subject is developed through the analysis of notions related to stereotypes, prejudices, alienations, such as having been considered a necessary fragment within an imaginary whole, having been thought of as a primitive, timeless being in need of civilization, etc. These notions reveal a series of epistemic violence, structural in the constitution of the national project, which manifested through musical nationalism and the hemisphere, understanding that from the Musical Americanism. This study was propose through a historiographic analysis of publications made between 1867 and 1946 by actors belonging to intellectual elites, for understanding the impact of the Colombian and Latin American cultural press about the determination of imaginaries on otherness.