Precários nos querem, rebeldes nos terão! Technopolitics and Indignation, from Geração à Rasca to Que se lixe a Troika!
Sola Morales, Salomé
The main objective of this article is to analyze technopolitical practices and cyberactivist strategies that emerged in Portugal after 2011 Geração à Rasca protest. The main characteristic of anti-austerity groups are analyzed qualitatively, in a first stage. In a second, the tactical use of Internet and social networks by the main collectives is explored. The contribution to existing literature lies in the proposed approach: a multidimensional analysis that places digital communication in the field of mediations, in relation to culture, politics and society, avoiding reductionisms or technological determinisms. The main conclusion is that although the Internet was key in the birth of the anti-precariousness movements once collective action took the streets, the RRSS became a secondary tool and support for off-line activity. The most outstanding functions of the RRSS were to support the convening of events, denounce the inefficiency of the rulers and create a community fostering a totalizing identity.