Complicaciones vasculares de procedimientos estéticos faciales inyectables: revisión de alcance
Ayala-Bernal, Diana
Tique-Hilarión, Anyela
Background: Rising demand for aesthetic procedures has led to an increase in vascular complications such as blindness, necrosis and cerebral infarction. However, so far none study has compiled the body of evidence about these complications and its consequences. Methodology: This scoping review included studies that investigated or described vascular complications of facial injectable procedures until March 2020. We aimed to identify their main characteristics and possible associations. Results: A total of 108 publications were included, most of them case reports and small series. Blindness being the most frequent complication followed by necrosis, impending necrosis, cerebral infarction and alopecia. Likewise, hyaluronic acid injection was the most performed procedure followed by autologous fat injection and sclerotherapy. Conclusion: Numerous scientific publications have reported or described vascular events after aesthetic facial injections, many of them leading to blindness. Despite the low level of evidence found in the current literature, it is clear that facial injectables require skilled and trained medical professionals in facial anatomy, rheology, injection techniques and most importantly, recognition of early signs of impending necrosis and management of vascular complications.