Caracterización de complicaciones asociadas a la colocación de catéter venoso de inserción central en pacientes internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos de un hospital de alta complejidad de Bogotá- Colombia, entre enero 2018 y diciembre de 2019
Leal Betancourt, Mitchell Ignacio
Pinilla Rojas, Darío Isaías
Rodriguez Lima, David Rene
Introduction: central insertion venous catheter placement is a procedure that is frequently performed in intensive care units, involving risks of complications that cannot increase morbidity, compromising the life of the patient and increasing hospitalization times. Objective: To describe the acute complications associated with the central venous catheter in patients admitted to the intensive care unit of a high-complexity hospital in Bogotá, between January 2018 and December 2019. Methodology: Retrospective cohort study. Taking patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit at the Mayor Méderi university hospital in whom CVC insertion was performed between January 2018 and December 2019. The study population, insertion techniques, characteristics of the medical devices used and the the outcomes of the procedure. Results: sample made up of women 52.89%, the median was 72 (IQR 63-80) years. Most frequent etiologies, cardiac origin (28.93%), infectious (27.27%), pulmonary (18.18%), neurological (12.40%), oncological (9.92%) and renal (3.31 %); Puncture sites were right internal jugular vein (41.32%), right subclavian vein (30.58%), left internal jugular vein (16.53%), left subclavian vein (10.74%) and right posterior jugular vein (0.83%); A complication rate of 7.44%, showing that 22.22% were cases of arterial puncture and 77.78% were cases of poor catheter tip position. Conclusions: no associations were found between the different clinical characteristics of the patients or the technical characteristics of central venous catheter placement with the presence of the complications described in the cohort.