Programa para la promoción de la actividad física, cultural y ambiental, con el apoyo de grupos intergeneracionales para la mitigación del sedentarismo en los adultos mayores (Programa FIAMCU)
Montenegro Castiblanco, Leidy Alejandra
The demographic change worldwide has implied an accelerated increase, even doubling in some countries, having a global population of older adults, which has gone from 11% beginning the 21st century, to 22% projected by 2050. Colombia has projected that by 2020 it will have a total population of 49,834,240 inhabitants, of which 5,970,956 (11%) will be over 59 years old, age considered the beginning of the stage as an older adult. Given these demographic changes, there is a need to carry out approaches from public health to increase the physical and mental well-being of elderly populations, especially those who are located in nursing homes. The program presented below was designed and developed with the purpose of mitigating the sedentary lifestyle of older adults of the Santa Librada Geriatric Home in the municipality of Guaduas Cundinamarca and improving the general well-being of older adults with physical activity, environmental improvement in the municipality, and increase the work done by students with the elderly in the nursing home, seeking to contribute to the reduction of generational gaps.