Desenlaces de los pacientes con diagnóstico de tumores periampulares que se llevaron a ampulectomía en HUM entre 2013-2018
Tabares Meza, Raquel
Aguirre Salamanca, Edgar Javier
Background Tumors arising from the ampulla of Vater are entities with a low prevalence and high mortality in cases of malignant neoplasms. Management is surgical and approaches range from open to endoscopic surgery. Historically, they have been managed with radical surgical interventions, but it has been documented that in selected cases transduodenal ampullectomy (TDA) is a safe treatment. Our aim is to present the characteristics and outcomes of a group of patients with ampullary lesions that underwent transduodenal ampullectomy focusing on indications and technical aspects. Methods Retrospective observational study with a prospective database providing description of patients with ampullary lesions that underwent ampullectomy between January 2013 and December 2018. Survival analysis was performed using Kaplan meier method, and log rank test by Mantell-Cox comparing vascular involvement and resection margins, in a 3 year follow up with overall survival and disease free survival time. Results 14 patients underwent ampullectomy. 5 males and 9 females. Mean age was 71.2 ± 7.89 years old. 14.3 % had a past history of tabaquism and previous presences of otherneoplastic lesions. Jaundice was found in 71,4 % of cases. 13 patients had a T stage lower than T1. No lymphovascular or perineural involvement was documented in 71.4 %. There was a 35.7% rate of recurrence. 3 year after surgery mortality rate was 28.6%. Resection margins show an important relationship with statistically significant value p=0.05 with overall survival. Vascular involvement shows a relationship with tumoral relapse with a p value of 0.03. Further studies are required to prove our results. Conclusions Transduodenal ampullectomy is a feasible procedure with acceptable complication rates and similar survival at 3 year follow up as reported in literature.