Clip - De la Precariedad a la Ultraprecariedad
Eslava, Luis
Cortés Nieto, Johanna Del Pilar
Prieto-Rios, Enrique
Briceño, Natalia
Briceno-Ayala, Leonardo
Jaramillo Jassir, Ivan Daniel
Alessandrini, Donatella
Alonso Bejarano, Carolina
Van Ho, Tara
Tan, Celine
Yilmaz Vastardis, Anil
Londoño Aguirre, Diana
Garcia-Suaza, Andres
Sierra Gaona, Nohora Angélica
Vásquez Franco, Clara Viviana
Suárez Suárez, Jesús David
Pinzón Triana, Jhony Alexander
Suárez, Dora
Rodríguez-Morales, Andrés
Simmons, Claire
Video click part of the project "Informality in Times of Covid-19 is a project of Ruptures21: Towards New Economies, Societies, and Legalities of THE IEL COLLECTIVE. The project explores the challenges posed by the pandemic to informal workers, their families, and public policy in general. Highlighting the contributions of the informal economy to the economy and general welfare and taking Colombia as a case study, the project calls for attention to the precariousness that accompanies informal work and its transformation into ultra-precariousness in times of crisis such as that generated by Covid-19.
Avaliable at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PVUBubwqod4&t=6s