Propuesta de mejora a Produart (EM GLOBAL ART S.A.S) enfocado a cliente interno y alianzas estratégicas
Murcia Fonseca, Juan Camilo
Peláez Guapacha, Laura María
Puccini Torres, Valeria
Ramírez Martínez, Valeria
Sierra Medina, Maria Paula
This degree work was developed during the first period of the year 2022 for the PADE III program, with the aim of applying all the concepts learned during this program to provide to the general manager of PRODUART with an improvement diagnosis for her company. To reach the final diagnosis, it was necessary to first carry out an analysis of each of the company's areas, with the objective of determining what were their strengths and opportunities for improvement. Subsequently, the company's Customer Journey Map was carried out, identifying the client's profile for both markets, B2B and B2C, and with all the information collected, the business model for the PRODUART company was presented. Additionally, after the “DOFA Cruzado'' and the KPIs of the company were specified, we achieved the main objective of this project, which was to define a new strategy in the commercial and marketing areas in order to determine the improvement plan focused on obtaining exponential revenue for PRODUART.