Oscilaciones en los registros biofeedback electromiográfico en la hemiplejía
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ISSN: 2145-3535
EISSN: 2422-3271
Juárez, Fernando
Oscillation frequencies presence in electromyography Biofeedback records was assessed in 16 hemiplegic patients. A single evaluation or treatment session was conducted in every patient in one of the following conditions: rest, slow passive stretching, fast passive stretching, and active movement; different muscles were recorded. The Biofeedback equipment obtained the average of four samples per second; a Fourier frequency analysis was applied to the records and spectral density functions were obtained, a hierarchical cluster analysis with density functions was conducted showing up two groups; 14 patients were included in one group, the dominant frequencies in this group was 0.0125 Hz; 2 patients were included in the other group, the dominant frequency in this group was 0.06667 Hz. Regarding frequency distribution, there was no effect due to the treatment condition compared to the evaluation condition. Results suggest common oscillation exists in electromyography Biofeedback records under different conditions, leading to the possibility of introducing new rehabilitation technologies aimed to these general aspects of the signal.