Humanitarian Demining in the Colombian Post- Conflict Period: A Legal-Political Perspective
Arias Henao, Diana Patricia
Ospina Perdomo, Juanita María
This article makes a theoretical approach via an analytical methodology to study contemporary international legal and political aspects of the design, implementation, and management of the Humanitarian Demining Pilot Program (dh) agreed in 2016 between farc and the Colombian government. We analyze the jurisprudential and doctrinal elements and describe a scenario of criminal subsidiarity erga omnes against the use of buried explosive devices through primary and secondary traditional sources, semi-structured interviews carried out with key informants, and the results offered by the use of the web mining techniques during the analyzed period. We demonstrate that this practice, widespread in Colombia's internal armed conflict, is nothing more than a strategy derived from military experiences made in World War I and II, and from classical international law.