Del ámbito político al ámbito de la moda. El desplazamiento informativo de la actividad pública de las parejas presidenciales de Colombia entre 2010-2019
Torres Vargas, Melissa Andrea
This research aims to analyze the shift from traditional political journalistic coverage to fashion journalistic coverage, during government public events with Colombia's presidential couples in attendance between 2010 and 2019. This focused mainly on the events that generated a high coverage: first lady Maria Juliana Ruiz’s visit to Washington in 2019 and the three presidential inaugurations of the Santos and Duque administrations from 2010 thru 2019. Thus, it is possible to assume that this change in the journalistic approach exalts fashion within the political-diplomatic sphere and its importance in covering high-level political figures. To analyze tradicional media articles and multimedia content, the VAP (Journalistic Added Value) tool was applied; taking into account quantitative and qualitative indicators and variables (Puente et al., 2003). The sample consists of 28 publications from digital versions of traditional Colombian media outlets: (,, and and other specialized digital outlets (,, and We can conclude that digital versions of traditional media still report this topic in a careless and precarious way, while specialized fashion blogs manage to have a greater detailed perspective, becoming an effective option for the dissemination of this content. We also highlight the qualities and conditions necessary to cover an undervalued journalistic field, such as fashion. With the purpose of exalting its due importance within the media and political agenda.