Uso de las demostraciones prácticas en las clases de teoría, para mejorar el aprendizaje de la electrotecnia
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ISBN: 978-84 -606- 5611-1
Simon Castel, Josep
Llovera Segovia, Pedro
Fuster Roig, Vicente
The use of practical demonstrations in theoretical lectures hasn become increasingly rare in engineering teaching, In this work we vindicate their use for teaching of Electrotechnics, not only as an efficient pedagogical tool, but also as a counterbalance to the artificial separation of theory and practice so questionable in engineering teaching and as a compensation for the decrease of practical laboratory hours in engineerind degrees. We describe the set up used and the demostrations developed . We emphasize not only its practical aspects, but also how this experimental desing is theoretically integrated and connected to a larger framework for the preparation of the practical sessions. Furthermore, we show this practical design engages with an active methodology aimed at increasing student participation.Finally, we analyzethe results of this experience, we propose some future improvements, andwe suggest a strategy to further a more complete integration of theory and practice in the teaching of Electrotechnics.