Cultura de la innovación, definiciones y elementos característicos: revisión sistemática de la literatura y agenda de investigación
Castro Castillo, Daniel Felipe
The notion of IC innovation culture has been widely used in different fields, however, despite its wide use and relevance, there is no agreed definition of the concept or the factors that affect it. This lack of definitions and theoretical clarity has become a challenge for researchers, who, in the last fifteen years, have exponentially increased scientific interventions related to this concept to facilitate the design of strategies aimed at integrating a philosophy of innovation into the DNA of an organization, develop innovation policies and improve academic dialogue, since there is no solid conceptual basis around it. To address these issues, this article offers a systematic literature review that asks the following questions: How has innovation culture been defined in the academic literature? What factors characterize innovation culture? These questions are answered through the collection of bibliographic information from conference texts and articles from the Scopus platform (information analyzed based on the methodology of Onwuegbuzie & Frels (2016)) and the elaboration of matrices that describe the most relevant (due to their repetition in the literature) dimensions that have been found when studying and analyzing the history of the concept. The research findings agree with other scholars of IC in that (1) there is still no established definition of the concept; and it contributes with findings such as (2) that the factors that characterize IC are not entirely standardized either, as some of those mentioned in the literature share similar definitions, but differences in their names or ways of measurement; the results allow building the bases that allow proposing a research agenda.