dc.creatorMaldonado, Carlos Eduardo
dc.identifierEISSN: 2011-7477
dc.description.abstractE. Cioran (1911-1995) can be seen at the same time as the voice, the counterpoint, and a strand of the best of German and French philosophy. Two central axes of European thought in the history of the 20th century. Europe is articulated in two main currents, clearly delimited: on the one hand, the Vienna School, everything that it expresses, contains and germinates - thus, for example, the work, at the other end of the continent, by Russell, Whitehead and Wittgenstein, that source of what has come to be called analytic or Anglo-Saxon philosophy in contrast to continental philosophy. And on the other hand, that French, Austrian and German tradition whose best radiography at any given time is G. Lukacs's Assault on Reason, a fundamental work of 1954 that was preceded by two previous texts, one from 1933 and the other from 1942. Lukacs, someone so smart and in the line of Cioran, who suffered Lenin's contempt and criticism: a reason to boast, truth be told. Ciprian Valcan presents us with a decisive book that allows us not only to understand the genealogy of Cioranian thought, but also a prismatic vision of European philosophy from Cioran's eyes, from his youthful writings to his mature texts. This book would not be a sincere gift without the excellent and careful translation by M. Liliana Herrera. What Liliana did in terms of work cannot be assimilated less than 350 The Eternal Loops of Philosophy Review: C. Valcan, French and German cultural influences in the work of Cioran eidos nº 27 (2017) pp. 349-354 issn 2011-7477 to a second doctoral thesis. Those of us who participated, knew or saw, from near or far, the birth of Liliana with this Valcan book, we know that it is not an exaggeration. Liliana Herrera is already a world reference point in Cioranian studies, to Colombian pride.
dc.publisherUniversidad del Norte
dc.relationLos bucles eternos de la filosofía, ISSN:2011-7477, Vol., No.27 (2017); pp.349-354
dc.relationNo. 27
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.sourceinstname:Universidad del Rosario
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR
dc.subjectFilosofía alemana y francesa
dc.subjectWhitehead y Wittgenstein
dc.titleLos bucles eternos de la filosofía

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