dc.creatorSintura Varela, Francisco Jose
dc.creatorBernate-Ochoa, Francisco
dc.description.abstractAge is one of the aspects of life that intrigues human development.In the many stages that a person has throughout their existence, they face various challenges and present perspectives that are associated with different behaviors, but one in particular is the which, curiously, is longed for as the pinnacle of life, and is also feared: becoming an older adult (AM). & nbsp; The world demographic trend shows growing projections on population growth, which directly affect the dynamics of aging, as life expectancy increases (World Bank, 2013). According to the United Nations (United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2013), about 12% of the world's population is 60 years or older, and it is estimated that in less than 40 years it will represent more than 20%, something that is already a reality in developed countries. This growth of the AM population leads to facing a reality and questions about what society as a whole is doing for this group of people. The decisions that are made are based on the same concept as the MA, the characteristics of the population and, above all, the condition they face. Precisely, against the factors and the determining perspectives of the condition of the MA, this text is elaborated, but with a notable particularity of this population, their deprivation of liberty. The challenge is, then, to analyze the reality of older adults deprived of liberty (AMPL) in order to present a panorama of their characteristics, capacities and foundations, which is relevant and appropriate to make recommendations to the Colombian penitentiary and prison system. (SPCC), with an interdisciplinary perspective that goes beyond an ideological exercise and pretends to be pragmatic, which was evidenced by an investigative fieldwork that interrelated the various theories and norms with the reality that the AMPLs live.
dc.publisherEditorial Universidad del Rosario
dc.publisherFacultad de Jurisprudencia
dc.relationColección Textos de Jurisprudencia
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-CompartirIgual 2.5 Colombia
dc.sourceinstname:Universidad del Rosario
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR
dc.subjectCiencia militar - Legislación - Colombia
dc.subjectDerecho penal - Colombia
dc.subjectDerecho penal militar - Colombia
dc.subjectDerecho penal – Historia – Colombia
dc.subjectDerecho penal – Legislación por decretos – Colombia
dc.subjectActos legislativos – Colombia – Siglo XX
dc.titlePoder público, Rama ejecutiva nacional, Junta militar de gobierno: Se expide el código de justicia penal militar decreto número 0250 de 1958 (Julio 11)

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