Diseño de un laboratorio de Innovación orientado a resolver problemáticas militares del Ejército Nacional
Duque Martínez, Andrés
Barbosa Escobar, Carlos
Ochoa Quiñones, Cesar
The Applied Business Project identifies the relevant factors of the current Science and Technology System of the Colombian National Army. and establishes a strategic alternative with a route of actions within the organizational structure. and redesigning processes so that the institution generates value in every project solving military problems. The Force currently has a solid structure made up of different units and research groups; however, it is evident that it is not achieving the expected results. Reasons why are: during the development of the Project methodologies and administrative tools are established to improve the organizational structure that allows an efficient and strategic management of the R&D process. Therefore, with this project it is intended that the National Army implement a Military innovation laboratory linked to the Army Technological Support Command and generate quick solutions to close gaps of relevant needs of the military and problems that may have, or be generated, for the institution likely to be solved through Science and Technology projects. The Project (PAE) provides solutions to the problem currently faced by the Science and Technology System of the Colombian National Army. It will support the National Army to be more competitive and efficient in the entire process associated with Research, Development and Innovation (R + D + i), thus enabling the optimization of resources and the generation of projects with high innovative potential in a way that positively impacts the results in the short, medium and long term.