De procedimientos institucionales y reconocimiento: un acercamiento a testimonios de militares víctimas del conflicto armado colombiano.
Ballesteros Pérez, Susan Jorley
This monograph falls within the context of the political, legal and academic tensions and debates that arise around the difficulty of accessing the legal and social category of victims by members of the Colombian Army, specifically those who have been injured in combat. In this sense, this work raises the central theme of exploring procedures for the recognition of military victims, both from the military institution and from the statutes exposed through the Unique Victims Registry (RUV). In addition, this monograph reconstructs the victimizing facts by which soldiers are conceived as victims from a subjective scope; that is, from their own conception of themselves, and investigates and analyzes the procedures that the wounded in combat went through in the special regime. In this way, the present work exposes and reconstructs the access to legal recognition of the victim by five retired soldiers wounded in combat and their conception of the condition of victim in a social and subjective way, at the time it announces transversal difficulties and discussions of victim recognition procedures.
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