Between Intervention Practices and Development Projects: An Approach to the Indigenous Organizational Processes in the Inter-Andean Valleys (Salta, Argentina)
Milana, María Paula
Villagra, Emilia
This article explores indigenous organization processes developed between the inter-Andean Valleys of the province of Salta (departments of Santa Victoria, Iruya, and part of Oran). Starting in the 1980s, it proposes a reading on a set of events and experiences that show how, from putting into practice particular government practices linked to development discourse and human rights, a set of actors from heterogeneous spheres -religious, state, non-governmental-, intervening singularly in the emergence of second-degree indigenous organizations, self-appointed to the Kolla people. The objective is to identify some conditions of possibility that operated in the consolidation of the organizations and their unique strategies of struggle for the territory until they grouped themselves in a third-degree supra-organization in 2007.