Encefalitis y trombosis séptica de senos venosos cerebrales asociada a bacteriemia por Oligella urethralis: una asociación no documentada previamente. Reporte de un caso
Pineda, Alejandro
Guevara, Freddy
Correa-Pérez, Liliana
Cortés, Jorge Alberto
Septic thrombosis of cerebral venous sinuses is a relatively rare cause of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis. It can be related to encephalitis. The aetiology is diverse, and has been related to immunosuppressed patients. Oligella urethralis is a rare microorganism that causes disease in humans, but has been linked to urinary tract infections and bacteraemia. Up until now no cases of septic thrombosis of cerebral venous sinuses associated with this microorganism have been documented. The case is presented of encephalitis and septic thrombosis of venous sinuses associated with bacteraemia by Oligella urethralis.