Prevalencia, población y factores asociados del Síndrome Visual Informático 2010-2020: Revisión de Alcance
Freyle Hernández, María Teresa
Pineda Gonzalez, Jairo Andrés
Torres Cabrera, Laura Briggit
Introduction: Computer vision syndrome (CVS) is a set of visual symptoms related to a prolonged time of exposure to digital screens. The high number of computer users worldwide has generated nearly 60 million people affected by CVS, which could be categorized as a public health problem. Objective: To identify the prevalence and factors associated with CVS reported in the literature during the period 2010-2020. Materials and methods: a scoping review was carried out in the PUBMED and SCIELO databases, in the languages English, Spanish and Portuguese for the years 2010 to 2020; using two search algorithms with their descriptors (MESH). We selected 36 articles that included reviews, prevalence studies and systematic review. Results: the risk factors identified in the review include prolonged exposure to display screens, belonging to the female gender, pre-existing eye diseases and use of contact lenses. Conclusion: There is a significant association between the time of exposure to digital devices and the appearance of symptoms. University students and office workers are the most affected population. The most important protective factors are exercise, visual pauses and good ergonomic practices.