Prueba experimental del efecto de preferencia de marcas pioneras
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ISSN: 0121-4381
Pérez-Acosta, Andrés M.
An experiment was carried out in order to prove the preference of thepioneering brands, such effect announced in the field of advertising by Riesand Trout (1981), studied in the academic research of marketing by Kardeset al. (1992, 1993) and predicted from psychology by the positioning indexof Pérez-Acosta (1999, 2000). In this study participated 96 college students,divided in four groups of 24 participants each one. A group was exposedinitially to mark KUH along with a tutorial software that served as vehicle ofthe mark. Another group was exposed to another mark (GID). The other twogroups were control groups that were exposed previously neither to KUHnor to GID. In general, the control groups did not display a clear preferenceby some of two brands, as it was predicted. The group whose pioneeringbrand was KUH preferred it over GID, also in agreement with the expectedresults. But the group exposed previously to GID also preferred KUH. Thislast result, along with the analysis of the reasons exposed by the participantsabout their election, showed that KUH was a priori more attractive than