dc.contributorRivera-Rodriguez, Hugo-Alberto
dc.creatorHadechine Sanjuan, Javith José
dc.description.abstractOver time, the different sectors of the economy have been affected by the multiple factors that have caused an imbalance and uncertainty within the market that, eventually, has had a negative impact on the economies of different countries and established companies. These kinds of events have significantly threatened the survival and performance of financial markets, causing a generalized panic to develop from investors to workers, precisely because of their susceptibility to the situation that hits the foreign exchange market and makes many jobs are lost. Obviously, the coronavirus pandemic implied a more than complex situation because, although it started from a health impasse, it had implications, social policies and above all, economic, causing the phenomenon not to be assumed only as a public health problem. The reason for the document that describes those described herein provides light on the negative injection of turbulence in market productivity, which have been the strategic actions that companies have taken to face, in order to innovate and not just survive in turbulent environments but succeed in them.
dc.publisherUniversidad del Rosario
dc.publisherAdministración en Logística y Producción
dc.publisherEscuela de Administración
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
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dc.sourceinstname:Universidad del Rosario
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR
dc.subjectAnálisis de afectaciones sobre el mercado por la pandemia Covid-19
dc.subjectParticularidades del contexto económico empresarial durante la pandemia SARS-CoV-2
dc.subjectIncertidumbre, pánico y dinamismo del mercado en tiempos de Covid-19
dc.subjectImpacto en la productividad a raíz de la pandemia Covid-19
dc.subjectTurbulencia económica y de mercado a raíz de la pandemia Covid-19
dc.titleTurbulencia en el mercado a causa de la pandemia desatada por el Covid-19: una revisión de la literatura

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