Territorios, veinte años: el milagro de nacer, el arte de perdurar
Cuervo G., Luis Mauricio
Scientific knowledge is produced collectively, it requires action and permanent contact between subjects interested in its production. From very early in my professional training, I came to know a version of this idea thanks to the contact I had with Thomas Kuhn's The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (1971). It was later and through a long and painful process of discovery and experimentation that I made this idea part of my life and practice as a researcher, teacher, and consultant. First, as a master's and doctoral student, submitting my work to the examination of evaluating committees, and later, as a researcher, designing, building and maintaining research teams, I understood very early, and shared with my colleagues and teachers of the moment, that the true ambition of producing knowledge committed to understanding and transforming the realities of the countries of the South could not evade the demand to build scientific community.