dc.contributorRojas, Juan David
dc.creatorMuñoz Giraldo, Lenin Alonso
dc.description.abstractABI - Microcredits is a collaborative economy fintech that seeks to become a sustainable strategy against informal credit systems and as a solution to the needs and requirements of credit for investment in working capital of microentrepreneurs; as well as a safe and profitable scheme to support business development based on a large technological and social component. At ABI, there will be a web / app platform that will connect microentrepreneurs who require credits to invest in their businesses and the entities and funds that finance these capitals and with available credit programs. The company offers a validation of clients (microentrepreneurs demanding credit), as well as risk assessment and arbitration of transactions carried out through our system. For this work he earns an income from the payment of interest on the loan. Our product consists of a platform for evaluation, validation, management and administration of credits between microentrepreneurs and investment funds and public and / or private financing. The company seeks to consolidate itself in the fintech market in Colombia and become a solid and sustainable alternative that allows the credit market and the authorities to fight against illegal credit systems or models and the high social and economic costs associated with this practice. Likewise, ABI seeks to consolidate itself as an efficient financial and credit inclusion system for microentrepreneurs who constantly require cash flows to finance their operations. Market opportunity According to the portal Finanzas Personales (2019), in the article published in August 2019, in Colombia it is estimated that more than 50% of households have resorted to informal credit systems and also argue that according to calculations, Colombians owed them informal lenders about 5 billion pesos at that time. Likewise, in the Informal Credit Market Survey in Colombia, cited by El Tiempo.com (2015) and the Study of Demand for Financial Products of the Financial Superintendence and Banca de Oportunidades (2017), they estimated that 66% of Microentrepreneurs who apply for microcredit do so with the aim of financing their business, that is, they have as a reason of indebtedness to access resources for working capital. Likewise and according to figures from Applied Economics (2019), for 2018 there were close to one million six hundred and twenty thousand companies (natural and legal persons) of which 92.84% correspond to micro-companies, with a universe of gross potential customers for Business ABI of more than 1’500.000 users. It is expected to start with 0.1% coverage of that market and gradually grow to reach 10% of potential customers in 5 years, businesses worth more than $ 604.000 millions would be generated, income of more than $ 19.000 millions for annual interest at the end of the 5 year of operations. Financing The development of the microcredit platform for micro and small entrepreneurs in Colombia, ABI, requires funds for two specific actions. The first is associated with the development of the microcredit ecosystem and the launch of the application where the request and allocation of resources will be managed. For this phase, it is estimated that 100 millions pesos will be necessary, which will be financed with own resources and by negotiations with national and international organizations to finance financial inclusion initiatives. (SGR, MIDAS / USAID, Banca de Oportunidades, MinTIC, among others). The second phase, which consists of funding for the generation of credits, requires resources close to $ 900 millions pesos for the first year, which would allow generating around 15.000 credits and growing until reaching resources worth $ 32.000 millions pesos; fund that must be available for credits in the 5th year and thus be able to assign 220.000 credits in that period. These funds will be managed before the Colombian, industrial, agricultural, business and commercial development organizations (Findeter, Finagro, Bancóldex), among other national and international micro-business development and promotion organizations.
dc.publisherUniversidad del Rosario
dc.publisherMaestría en Emprendimiento e Innovación
dc.publisherFacultad de administración
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsEL AUTOR, manifiesta que la obra objeto de la presente autorización es original y la realizó sin violar o usurpar derechos de autor de terceros, por lo tanto la obra es de exclusiva autoría y tiene la titularidad sobre la misma. PARGRAFO: En caso de presentarse cualquier reclamación o acción por parte de un tercero en cuanto a los derechos de autor sobre la obra en cuestión, EL AUTOR, asumirá toda la responsabilidad, y saldrá en defensa de los derechos aquí autorizados; para todos los efectos la universidad actúa como un tercero de buena fe. EL AUTOR, autoriza a LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ROSARIO, para que en los términos establecidos en la Ley 23 de 1982, Ley 44 de 1993, Decisión andina 351 de 1993, Decreto 460 de 1995 y demás normas generales sobre la materia, utilice y use la obra objeto de la presente autorización. -------------------------------------- POLITICA DE TRATAMIENTO DE DATOS PERSONALES. Declaro que autorizo previa y de forma informada el tratamiento de mis datos personales por parte de LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ROSARIO para fines académicos y en aplicación de convenios con terceros o servicios conexos con actividades propias de la academia, con estricto cumplimiento de los principios de ley. Para el correcto ejercicio de mi derecho de habeas data cuento con la cuenta de correo habeasdata@urosario.edu.co, donde previa identificación podré solicitar la consulta, corrección y supresión de mis datos.
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dc.sourceLey 590 de 2000. Por la cual se dictan disposiciones para promover el desarrollo de las micro, pequeñas y medianas empresas. 10 de julio de 2000. D.O. No 44078.
dc.sourceLey 905 de 2004. Por medio de la cual se modifica la Ley 590 de 2000 sobre promoción del desarrollo de la micro, pequeña y mediana empresa colombiana y se dictan otras disposiciones. 2 de agosto de 2004. D.O. 45628.
dc.sourceinstname:Universidad del Rosario
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR
dc.subjectTasa de interés de microcréditos
dc.subjectAplicación móvil
dc.titleABI-Microcréditos: Sistema digital de crédito para microempresas

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