Consumer habits in e-commerce platforms in young adults in Bogotá
Linero Bocanega, James Paul
Botero Cardona, Luis Fernando
Consumption in e-commerce platforms is determined by variables that affect online trust for purchase decision making. The present article discloses the results obtained from qualitative research, aimed at identifying online consumption habits, in a sample of people between 24 and 34 years of age, from socio-economic levels 3 and 4 in Bogotá city. According to the results, clients associate trust mainly with the information provided by the website and its comments history, the quality of the service after the online transaction, the perceived security, and the utility generated in the use of a given platform. The impact generated by electronic commerce in Colombia leads to the need for researches on the variables that define consumers'purchasing behavior and that allow greater effectiveness in the implementation of e-commerce strategies in companies.